Mother's Day Weekend Spirt Messages & Workshop - The Eternal Embrace Saturday May 11th 11am - 1.30pm

Often, times such as Mother’s day can make us reflect more about those we miss. How we wish we could have just one more conversation. One more embrace.

Join Jackie for an enlightening workshop of exploring the ways in which our loved ones still communicate and show us their love from the Spirit side of life. You will also experience in a practical way, aspects of your personal soul energy through meditation, visualization, and self healing. This will then be followed by a short mediumship demonstration where Jackie will bring forth evidential messages of love & guidance from those loved ones who still walk side by side with you through life. Please note not everyone will receive a message.

Space open for tomorrow evening's Meditation & Mediumship event!

If you are on the waiting list for a reading with me why not consider attending tomorrow evenings event:


I will be guiding everyone through a meditation to relax and connect with the soul and spiritual aspect of what we hold within and our connection to what surrounds us. Followed by a demonstration of mediumship where I will connect with loved ones on the Spirit side of life and give messages. Please note not everyone will receive a reading.

Register at

THE SOUL PORTAL SERIES - Sunday's 5pm to 6.30pm

Have you entered into the New Year with positive intention but are feeling a little "stuck"?

Do you find yourself questioning the direction your life is going in or your decisions with the choices placed in front of you?

What does your gut tell you? Your SOUL?

If you are open minded to the prospect of getting to know your soul self a little better, you may begin to trust those intuitive nudges, which can assist in moving you forward on your life path with more flow and clarity!

If the Soul seeker within you is giving you a nudge to discover more of yourself, then consider joining me through The Soul Portal this Sunday January 7th from 5.00pm to 6.30pm at The Yoga Collaborative in North Falmouth. Expand your awareness and embrace a deeper connection with your Soul !

This is a 4 week in person series, held every Sunday until January 28th.

Cost is $144 for the whole series of 90 minute sessions which include active participation in how to manifest and raise your vibration through mantra and intention, a peek into the souls connection to past lives and how to seek guidance from our soul self through participating in meditation & visualization and other explorative & intuitive exercises. This will be a fun and enlightening series in the warm and ambient soulful space at TYC! All are welcome! Just a few spots left! Space is limited. Register at

New Year 2024 January & February - New classes & Workshops in person & online via ZOOM!

As I take some time to rest and reflect on this year, I am filled with a sense of amazement that I find myself here doing this work and just how much gratitude I have in my heart for everyone I meet on this journey. Especially my clients old and new, my teachers, mentors, spiritual buddies and dear friends & family whose support is invaluable to me on this somewhat eclectic lifetime journey of being a human with one eye always in the Spiritual realms of being!

Each and everyone of you that I meet , whether holding space for your personal healing journey, or connecting you with those loved ones who now reside on the Spirit side of life, teaches me something invaluable each and every day. Every experience shared together validates so many things that I often ponder, on this fascinating spiritual journey and inspires and encourages me to keep doing what my soul has always shown me to be true, which is to be a voice for those who no longer have a physical one and to share their words and wisdom with whomever may seek it.

Now I admit it, although my soul had always given me insight into what was perhaps meant for me, I had ignored it over and over for many years prior! Part of the journey I realize, was to discover it for myself. For how else could I understand , teach or help others embrace their soul selves. Consider this. We are all born into this life holding within us our souls purpose in life. When we are children we naturally embody it. It's part of our true nature. And yet as we grow up, our circumstances and those who are around us, may lead us to believe we are meant perhaps for something else. Another “role” in life. So our purpose gets lost and entangled in other peoples ideas as we compare ourselves or seek attention and validation from those around us. Perhaps on some level we may find ourselves feeling a little lost, or not even worthy of living our dreams. So we distract ourselves with other things that bring us joy and make us feel good, even if not for our highest and best good. And then we begin to feel stuck and confused about how to keep moving forward, overwhelmed and anxious and we just can’t seem to figure out our true purpose in life , because we already convinced ourselves that it just wasn’t meant to be.

Sound Familiar?

How many of us wake up one day with the intention to explore and rediscover those things innately within our being, yet we fear immersing ourselves fully in case we fail. So we talk ourselves out of it. Create excuses. Convincing ourselves, for example, to keep the job we have that does not fulfill us. That wears us out. The “it’s so hard to get out of bed” to the daily grind kind of thing. Maybe we find we are convincing ourselves it’s too late, too hard and time consuming to embark on something new?

What I do know is this. It’s never too late. And there is no rush.And don’t believe it if someone says you can’t do it. Even if it’s just the voice in your head! Prove them wrong! There is intention in that :)

You are a unlimitless being that can do anything. Anytime. And when you start to tap into who you innately are and embrace it, you may fail from time to time but oh your heart will be happy for just trying!

It may take some time and effort, but if you have a pull to something or a dream, it is not that unattainable once you let go of negative attachments and thought processes. Because as you surrender into what’s meant for you energetically (even if you are not quite sure what that is yet) you open the door for the multi faceted being that you are to take the first steps into what you are meant to do. Your soul purpose could be following the path to being a parent, a teacher, a trustworthy and loving friend and partner, a shop owner, a baker, a grandparent, a scientist, computer genius, an astronaut, the person who finds a cure for Cancer, or the President who finally brings world peace! Your soul purpose is already part of you and attainable.

You just have to open up to your intuitive nudges and trust. And start to move forward into action by letting go of the “ I wish, I can't, I hope, I want” to “I AM”. Because that’s right. You already are your purpose. You embody it.

I saw and communicated with Spirt, other Divine beings and traveled in alternate dimensions since I can remember. But yet I was taught to hide it, especially by my parents. It couldn’t possibly be real. I was to stop making it up. “Don’t tell anyone”, as if it was something bad and punishable! I began to feel that it was and became fearful of it, even though through all my experiences there was nothing truly to be fearful of. And as I am about to turn 54 years young, I finally can admit to these experiences .. as well as my age:)

It is amazing isn’t it, how we can allow another persons belief system to influence us in our own decisions in life? Despite no validity other than it was the beliefs of someone who walked before them and the person before that! What if we all just try to stay open minded to the uniqueness of all beings on this planet? Earth is continually evolving and we are here to help it do so as well as one another. Maybe if we all became open to being guided to what feels right for us, with an awareness, kindness ,compassion and consideration of how we may affect others we could indeed help everyone and everything since we are all connected.

I am not writing this to preach Spirituality or the magic of mediumship . I am writing this for those who may be seeking a safe space for their own souls unfoldment and ethical guidance with their personal experiences with Spirit and their psychic capabilities. To create a platform for those who wish to discover and develop their own unique gifts, connect deeper within themselves or just sit with me in their grief. I am of service to Spirit and all those who may seek either me or one of the many wonderful fellow mentors and teachers, intuits, mediums, healers and energy practitioners I am so very lucky to know and happy to refer.

Now don’t get me started on ET’s. :)

I always smile when I think about this. If you told me 20 years ago I would become a full time Psychic Medium, well I would have thought you were slightly bonkers, even though now it all makes absolute and complete sense. I am just being me! Whom I always have been since I can remember in being able to sense, see, feel and hear “Spirit” and so grateful to be able to ethically channel this energy for the highest good of others.

What helped me? Divine timing? Divine intervention? Possibly. What I do know is this. I began to truly listen to my own intuition. The true voice within. To let go of my fear based thoughts and embrace it all!

I find that often we just need some form of validation to keep us on our path. Mine happened shortly after moving to Cape Cod. I had just opened up my wellness practice when one of the most inspiring young women I have ever met, walked into my office to try reflexology. She had stage 4 cancer and was looking for a holistic therapy that would help support her through her cancer treatments. This was the beginning of a 2 year journey of weekly sessions together. These sessions solidified a friendship that I will forever cherish. Our time together also reawakened something I had been hiding away for so long. My connection with the Divine realms of Spirit. These weekly sessions validated the presence of the Divine nature of who we both were. Infinite Spirit, energy, eternal soul beings having a human experience.

Her final words to me just before she passed, were that I must promise to continue to develop my mediumship and share it . To not hide it away but embrace it. To write , to teach, to do “ the work” and help others like I had helped her. And every day I keep to my promise. It’s not been an easy journey but it’s certainly been life changing. In the best possible way.

So perhaps just take a moment to congratulate yourself! You got through another year on this planet! Every experience good and bad has led you to just being here. The world needs you, just as you are. For life is here to teach us so much. And learning can take a lifetime. There is no rush. Just follow the universal law of process taking things step by step, the law of action by having a dream and knowing that anything is possible by actively letting go of negativity, fear and doubt, with the knowledge that even though we may fail at some things, to try is more important! After I left my career, I convinced myself that being a Florist was what I wanted to do because I loved flowers, so I got a job as an assistant.But I was dreadful at arrangements (and weddings) but I can still appreciate a beautiful bouquet and the work that goes into one!

Our greatest lessons are wrapped up in our failures but unless we try, how do we figure out how to move forward and find joy from their experience. Having insight into your souls purpose, by tapping into your innate intuitive self, your own guide and higher self, connecting with nature itself to raise your natural vibration so that the law of attraction can do its magic, can truly place you on the right path in life.

And with each year that passes I learn something new. This past year I embarked on a 2 year program to become a Spiritualist Minister with The Journey Within in New Jersey and I am so excited to continue on this path over the coming year ahead.

And what really came to light this past year was my absolute enjoyment of teaching others in all matters of the ever evolving subjects of Spirituality and Universal laws, intuition, mediumship, meditation and visualization, soul energy and how to embrace the Divine nature within each and every one of us.

So as this very busy year comes to a close, I can sit here and say from the heart, I am grateful to everyone I have met either in my office in West Falmouth, in a group setting at their home or event space, or around the world on Zoom, for trusting me to hold space for you. Thank You.

I so look forward to the New Year ahead including hosting and teaching some exciting workshops, classes & events starting first week of January through to March in person and for the first time ONLINE via Zoom! Scroll down below for January & February offerings!

I have also introduced 30 minute Psychic Mediumship readings ONLINE via Zoom only!

March to April 2024 Schedule is almost full for in person readings.

HOWEVER I still have some space for Zoom readings. There is absolutely no difference whatsoever in the connection. Sometimes they can be even more powerful. For example I love when your spirit loved ones and animal companions often validate they are right by your side and see you, by showing me what you may be holding in your hands or have on your desk. Those on the Spirit side of life love to point these things out as evidence that they are truly still with you. I give readings in this way regularly so do consider if you can’t find any availability with me in person and wish to connect with me sooner.

AND JUST A NOTE! If you received a gift card over the Holidays, do reach out to to schedule in for this year! If you go online and see no availability please do email me at as I sometimes get an extra opening or a cancellation. I will soon be setting up a WAITLIST button so don’t delay !

I wish everyone a Happy, Healthy & Abundant year ahead!

Much love,

Jackie x

CLOSED UNTIL JANUARY 11TH - A time to rest & reflect.

The Holidays can be a stressful time can’t they? Bittersweet memories of those we miss. Even though my work as a Medium connects me with incredible validations & stories of those on the Spirit side of life, giving evidence that we still continue to exist and are eternally connected, I too can be caught off guard with my own loved one’s presence! My Mother is a lively energy since her passing 5 years ago, especially at Christmas time! She has communicated to me in various ways including sending white feathers to the strangest of places ,especially in those moments when I missed her guidance and support or just her laugh, theatrics and operatic singing! Last year she made our Christmas tree dance ringing her bell under her photo . It made us laugh so hard! This year I woke up on Christmas morning and switched on the lights of the little tree I sent the Nursing home where she was living and spent her last Christmas. Each year I light up the same tree in my own home. I did the same this Christmas morning , with my daughter as we gave our blessings to all whom we miss on the Spirit side of life. And there on the tree was this beautiful white feather. Our hearts knew it was another little “hello” from my Mum, a gorgeous woman who I miss every single day. Yet through my own experiences with Spirit & the path of mediumship I have walked since childhood, I have an understanding that she is still very much with me on this journey through life. For all those who miss someone this Holiday season, take a moment to open up to those ways in which they still show they are not far away. They may be without the human form but they are still whole with the love they have for you and the energy to show it in so many ways! For they see everything you experience through your eyes and their love will always be right by your side to guide & support you no matter what you are going through. Much love to all who need it I am taking a few days off to rest and reflect on the busiest year yet on this journey my soul travels! Much gratitude to everyone I have met on this path so far! Including everyone’s Spirit loved ones! #spirit #spiritualjourney #psychic #soul #mediumshipreadings #souljourney

January 2024 "The Soul Portal" Sunday Series 5.00pm to 6.30pm

As we enter into the New Year considering joining me for an exploration your soul self and get to know yourself a little better. Shift into new beginnings, take a pause, go within & sit with your soul self for a while. Be intuitively guided and awaken to the innate wisdom you already hold within and the possibilities of your soul’s true potential. Step into your power as you step into 2024! Register at

FRIDAY OCT 20TH An evening of Meditation & Mediumship 6.30pm to 8pm

Consider ending your week tuning into your soul self! Join me tomorrow for an evening of soul travel through a guided meditation followed by a demonstration of Mediumship where I will connect with those on the Spirit side of life and be a voice for their messages of love and guidance. Please note not everyone will receive a reading. Sign up at or give them a call on 508) 964-2101

This weeks Events! October Friday 13th & Sunday October 15th

Consider joining me this Friday for an in person Meditation and Mediumship Event at

The Studio Mattapoisett 6pm - 8pm

sign up at

And on SUNDAY I have been invited by The Soul Within in the UK for an online ZOOM event @ 2pm to have a conversation with the lovely British Medium Diane Simmons, and answer questions about mediumship and those of a Spiritual nature, including insight into my own personal journey on this wonderful path! This will be followed by connecting with those on the Spirit side of life and giving evidential messages of inspiration and love. (Please note not everyone will receive a reading). Click this link to sign up or go to

You can sign up wherever you are in the world! Tickets are just 5 GBP about $7 US dollars!


I am so excited to have been invited by THE SOUL WITHIN in the UK to discuss and answer questions about mediumship and my own personal journey followed by a Mediumship demonstration, connecting with loved ones in Spirit and delivering messages of inspiration, guidance and love.

Tickets are only 5 pounds which is only about $7.00 ! You can sign up at

or go to this link


Welcome to October! As we begin to transition into one of my favorite times of the year in nature, we too can take the first step into transitioning into the season ahead by the taking time to go within and reflect on what nature is teaching us by letting go.

Consider joining me for one of these workshops or meditation and mediumship events in person and on ZOOM this month and surrender to the changes that are taking place as the leaves begin to fall, by taking a quiet moment for you and your connection to nature, to spirit and your own Divine and unique intuitive self. Just scroll down to view all offerings.

I look forward to connecting with you, your soul & Spirit!

Feel free to email me with any questions @

New Class! The Holistic Mediumship Circle. Thursdays 6PM @ The Yoga Collaborative

Are you seeking to expand your mind and soul?

Are you interested in connecting deep within, raising your natural vibration and awareness to the language of the Universe , Nature, and Spirit?

Are you being drawn to the possibilities of unfolding a closer connection with your true soul self, so as to awaken to the loving vibration of your guides , angelic beings and loved ones in the spiritual realms of existence?

Consider joining me on an explorative journey on Thursday’s from 6 - 7.30pm for a 6 week intimate mediumship development circle with Psychic Medium Jackie Duffey and discover the natural intuitive within, whilst developing your own psychic & mediumistic gifts in a nurturing, sacred and safe space.

The Holistic Mediumship Circle is taking place at The Yoga Collaborative, Cape Cod. SPACE IS LIMITED and it is already filling up quickly!

First class begins Thursday September 21st. See flyer for details .

Sign up at Feel free to email me with any questions!